Alton Worldwide is a boutique management consulting firm. You can consider us the Paramedics of business. We fix businesses that are broken or in need of fresh ideas, strategy or capital. We are hands-on and performance driven. We design solutions and implement and execute for results
- Improve Operating Efficiency: Many company’s issues result from poor practices, lack of control and process and no proper structure for reporting roles and responsibility. Lack of accountability are some of the biggest proponents of bad business success. Alton comes and “scrubs” your company saying you hundreds of thousands of unnecessary expenditures and simultaneously implementing best business practices benchmarked by industry standards.
- New Strategy: Alton will design new strategic plans for your company and execute them showing you powerful charged results.
- New Business Development: We are best known for increasing revenues and establishing a vertical within your business where there is great revenue potential.
- Company Turnarounds: Sometimes a company head in the wrong direction, loses sales and runs into financial difficulty. Alton’s team of business paramedics are world renown for effective, impressive and fast turnarounds. We move in and clean up your company set new direction, implement reporting and implement Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) on a dashboard for you to monitor daily and quickly set your company back on track to profitability.
“The Global community is changing its landscape at a record pace. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning companies are rethinking the way they once did business. The companies that are riding this game-changing wave will survive and grow from strength to strength. Those that sit and do nothing will become extinct..” Paul Pereira, Chief Visionary Advisor (CVA) of Alton Group